Little Apexians

Play group to Prep

We are providing a happy safe and loving environment. Our curriculum is a blend of Maria Montessori Piaget's cognitive theory and Regio Emillia. We are focussing on creative learning based on developing LSRW ( Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) skills.

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Apex Stars

I to V

We strongly believe that education does not mean merely accumulation of information and knowledge rather its a comprehensive training of life. A combination of projects, real life exposure, audio-visual presentations, classroom teaching, experiential learning, community visits and brainstorming activities are used to make learning fun, exciting and interesting.

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Apex Champions


In middle school, learning become in-depth with diversification of subjects such as Science into Biology, Physics and chemistry, Mathematics into Algebra, Geometry and Arithmetic and Social Studies into History, Civics, Geography. Along with English and Hindi, we also offer third language option of French. We lay emphasis on making the learners tech - savvy by including Computer and Robotics in the curriculum.

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Apex Scholars


As we usher the students towards adulthood, we ensure that they are provided a sound academic training which readies them for college admissions, industry exposure and professional courses.

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